Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Short Seven Days

It is our last day on the island. I can’t believe the trip is over. We have been preparing for this week since the beginning of January and in seven short days our job is complete. On Thursday we finally did what we came to do…it was presentation day. On the bus ride to the University of the West Indies our group was eerily quiet. Not a word was spoken as we all mentality prepared for the task that lied ahead. Some were looking over notes, others were practicing their speech, and a few like me were just trying really hard not to think about it. In all honesty I had no idea what to expect, even after 2 full days of preparation with our respective professional contacts. All the information we could have needed had been at our disposal and now those who had so graciously given their time was eagerly awaiting the fruits of our labor…that’s a lot of pressure!

When we arrived we found the room full of faculty and staff from across the university, including their Deputy Principle (similar to our Provost) and 2 Deputy Deans. Somehow I was able to set my nerves aside, take a deep breath and begin my presentation. I have never been in front of such a captive audience. I could see their heads nodding in agreement and their pens busy writing down thoughts on their notepads. When it was over I felt a great sense of accomplishment and pride. I felt as though I had completed my first true task as a student affairs professional. Each of us in our group had ideas that another institution (in another country no less) not only wanted but had every intention of utilizing. Our hard work and dedication to this project had paid off.

I think each one of us on this trip is returning to the United States and the University of Louisville with a little piece of Barbados and a new perspective. We all have grown and changed in our own ways over the last 7 days. For me, I am bringing home a raised level of confidence, an increase in patience, and new friendships. I may not have always loved everything about the Bajan way of life (or food) - but it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Toree Parrish, 2nd Year Graduate Student

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